IMPROVE Polypharmacy

IMPROVE is the Initiative to Minimize Pharmaceutical Risk in Older Veterans and is an  interprofessional, experiential educational program for post-graduate primary care trainees to develop their knowledge and skills in addressing polypharmacy in older adults. The primary goals of IMPROVE are to:

  • Educate trainees in the recognition and management of polypharmacy among older adults

  • Collaborate across professions to minimize polypharmacy among older adults

This website was created to facilitate the implementation of the IMPROVE quality improvement model at other sites. We hope you find the resources included in this website to be helpful! Our tools are free and can be downloaded and distributed for only clinical and teaching purposes. We ask that you reference them appropriately. Please let us know if you have questions or comments about our tools.

Watch these videos to find out more:
Brief Introduction:

Full video:

Starting an IMPROVE Clinic of your own?  Please let us know!